Wrestling for a Blessing
Genesis 32:22-31 The same night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maids, and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the...
How We Are Hungry
The following sermon was preached at First Congregational Church in Griswold, CT. Matthew 25:31-46 ‘When the Son of Man comes in his...
Meeting God in Unlikely Places
Genesis 28:10-19 Jacob left Beer-sheba and went towards Haran. He came to a certain place and stayed there for the night, because the sun...
Go and Do Likewise (Luke 10:25-37)
The following sermon was preached at First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. It is a pleasure to be here with you all this morning. As...
Harvesters of Hope
Matthew 9:35-10:8 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the...
Clothed With the Spirit
Acts 2:1-21 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the...
Behind Locked Doors
John 20:19-29 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were...
The Endless Process of Resurrection
He is risen! Today we celebrate the central claim of the Christian church—Exhibit 1 as to why people should consider embracing the...
Being Born Again
John 3:1-17 Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know...